The European Union (EU) has finally approved its groundbreaking Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) that will require due diligence for all fashion companies selling to consumers in the region.  

The EU has also approved a forced labour goods ban from 2027, a right to repair directive and a revised Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulation. 

This will have a massive ripple effect throughout the supply chain, and it will be the task of the new European parliament to put it all into action.  

In this month’s front cover feature experts share how both large and small fashion companies can prepare for the new rules.  

The ESG theme supplement features an interview with the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) programme sharing its take on how US fashion companies are embracing due diligence. 

Plus, we dive into the hidden functionalities of PLM cloud-based software systems that could make fashion brands and suppliers’ lives easier. 

Laura Husband, managing editor